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Another one of our products - RapidReconciler: Works fast and is easy to use.

What does RapidReconciler do?

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Do balance discrepancies between your JDE General Ledger and Inventory systems create extra work for you at month-end? If so, consider RapidReconciler!

Discrepancies are caused by a range of factors.  Reconciling them manually can take several days and delay monthly closings.

RapidReconciler finds these differences in minutes. Inventory accounts can then be reconciled quickly with general ledger balances, eliminating the need to run numerous reports and to re-enter numbers into spreadsheets.

RapidReconciler monitors out-of-balance entries, enabling you to make adjustments at any time during the accounting period, while providing a detailed audit trail of those adjustments, resulting in more accurate financial statements.

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RapidReconciler works for both JD Edwards World and for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

How does RapidReconciler work?
RapidReconciler sample screen

RapidReconciler builds a database from your JDE system, locates and clearly displays any imbalances and assists you intuitively in their resolution.

• It is a client/server-based tool which is extremely easy to use.
• Reporting is available at both the summary and at the detail level.
• Alerts and messages highlight problem areas.
• It is read-only, keeping all source data secure.

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